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PUAEME005 Provide pain management


You are the sports trainer at a local juniors game when one of the players falls awkwardly and injures their leg. The player is in excruciating pain but the ambulance won’t be there for another 20 minutes. Ice won’t relieve the pain well enough and neither will ibuprofen. Wouldn’t it be nice to provide adequate pain relief until the ambulance arrives? This course provides participants with the certification to provide stronger pain relief until the arrival of medical or other assistance.



  • Assessing pain

  • Medication Administration

  • Legal Requirements for medications

  • Methoxyflurane  via Penthrox Inhaler


The following units will be included in your certificate:

PUAEME005 - Provide pain management



HLTAID011- Provide First Aid (Evidence must be supplied)


Duration: 2 hours Face to face (Online Pre-Course study required)


Cost: $110/person



Due to the practical components of the course, participants are advised to wear comfortable casual attire.

A training and assessment event taking place, aimed at improving competencies and performance evaluation.
Pentrax Conditioner Plus bottle displayed against a neutral background, emphasizing its modern packaging and branding.
A woman blows into a device while a man stands behind her, observing the process attentively.
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