Professional Sports Trainers Australia
Category 5 Health & Emergency Care announces a new era of Sports Trainer education and accreditation in Australia.
Professional Sports Trainers Australia was developed due to a demand for quality sports trainer education and services that many felt weren’t being offered by other providers.
"After teaching courses for other providers for many years, I was always frustrated with the high percentage of time spent on course doing theory which left very little time to focus on the essential practical skills." Jason Taylor, Founder- Professional Sports Trainers Australia
So after a lot of deliberation and pondering, Professional Sports Trainers Australia was born.
We offer a range of courses, equipment and membership services. Our courses include Level 1, 2 and 3 Sports Trainer (which includes a full Certificate III in Sports Trainer) as well as a number of specialty courses.
Our re-accreditation process differs greatly from the other providers. Our sports trainers complete yearly professional development requirements to maintain currency rather than every 3 years.
The website is currently being developed and should go live in the next week or so.

Upcoming courses
Date: 9th - 12th November, 2017
Venue: Centrals AFL Club,
1 Nautilus St Trinity Beach
Level 2 - 3 Sports Trainer upgrade
Date: 9th - 12th November, 2017
Venue: Centrals AFL Club,
1 Nautilus St Trinity Beach